The lab is always looking for Masters and Ph.D. students interested in plant and ecosystem ecology, but has limited space at the moment. Please reach out to Nick if you are interested in discussing opportunities.
The lab is fully equipped to explore the response and feedback of plants to environmental change. I am interested in students with diverse backgrounds in any one or combination of plant physiology, ecology, mathematics, statistics, or modeling. Though, a desire to broaden your skills is strongly preferred!
As a graduate student in my lab, you will be given the freedom to explore topics and develop projects that you are passionate about. To encourage the development of new skills, I may ask you to step outside your comfort zone. I encourage collaboration among lab members as well as with other researchers at Texas Tech and institutions with which we collaborate, including universities and national laboratories.
There is competitive funding to support students through a combination of Research and Teaching Assistantships and internal fellowships. Additionally, we have funds for multi-scale field, lab, and computational experiments as well as dissemination of research at local, national, and international meetings.
Interested students should contact Nick to discuss opportunities.
Please note that the typical start time for graduate studies in the department is in the Fall. Students are heavily encouraged to by December 1 of the previous year to start in the following Fall.
The lab currently does not have any postdoc openings at this time. That said, Nick would be keen to work with potential postdocs on funding applications to work in the lab. Please contact Nick to discuss further.
The Biology department at Texas Tech offers a wide variety of research facilities, including greenhouse and growth chamber space. Texas Tech also has a High Performance Computing Facility, well suited for running large-scale analyses and model simulations.
Lubbock, Texas offers a low cost of living and high quality of life. Lubbock is situated within the heart of West Texas, within driving distance of canyons, mountains, forests, and prairies.